Adaptation and mitigation potentials of surface-based solar radiation management
Joi, 22.09.2022, Dr. Ye TAO, reprezentant MEER, va susține în cadrul Magurele center for Atmosphere and Radiation Studies (MARS) prelegerea intitulată "Adaptation and mitigation potentials of surface-based solar radiation management".
Global warming is an urgent threat to which humans have responded with calls for greenhouse gas mitigation [1]. Yet, by itself, conventional mitigation will produce barely-measurable improvement in Earth’s multi-decadal climate trajectory [2,3]. This trajectory is driven by persistent imbalance in Earth’s energy budget, reaching a record surplus of 780 terawatt (tera = 1012) in 2021 [4]. A dozen peer-reviewed studies of the climate impact of COVID19 lockdown measures confirm the existence of another 700 terawatt (1.3 W m-2) of heating power that is currently masked by aerosol-forming, short-lived components in fossil fuel emissions [5-7]. In total, Earth’s outstanding energy imbalance is about 80 times the global power consumption (18 terawatt) and locks in >1°C of additional warming [8]. Therefore, to limit global warming to below 2°C we must also address the problem of committed warming [9].