Joi, 22.09.2022,  Dr. Ye TAO, reprezentant MEER, va susține în cadrul Magurele center for Atmosphere and Radiation Studies (MARS) prelegerea intitulată "Adaptation and mitigation potentials of surface-based solar radiation management".

Global warming is an urgent threat to which humans have responded with calls for greenhouse gas mitigation [1]. Yet, by itself, conventional mitigation will produce barely-measurable improvement in Earth’s multi-decadal climate trajectory [2,3]. This trajectory is driven by persistent imbalance in Earth’s energy budget, reaching a record surplus of 780 terawatt (tera = 1012) in 2021 [4]. A dozen peer-reviewed studies of the climate impact of COVID19 lockdown measures confirm the existence of another 700 terawatt (1.3 W m-2) of heating power that is currently masked by aerosol-forming, short-lived components in fossil fuel emissions [5-7]. In total, Earth’s outstanding energy imbalance is about 80 times the global power consumption (18 terawatt) and locks in >1°C of additional warming [8]. Therefore, to limit global warming to below 2°C we must also address the problem of committed warming [9].


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