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Construcții tradiționale
Proiectul Sectorial "Metode si tehnici inovative pentru evaluarea interventiilor de conservare-restaurare si urmarirea constructiilor traditionale"
Sistem complex, integrat pentru optimizarea tehnologica si valorificarea superioara a subproduselor vitivinicole
Establishing a High Level Proficiency NUcleus in the Field of Increasing Reneweable Energy Conversion Efficiency and Energy Independence by using combined resources
The XXVIII-th edition of HERVEXEN: The 28th International Conference on Hydraulics and Pneumatics - HERVEX - the most important international scientific meeting in the field of Fluid Power was organized in Romania on 13-15 November, 2024, at the Palace Hotel in the Băile Govora resort. The conference provided a common platform for the presentation and discussion of innovation and development trends in the field of FLUID POWER, to scientists, manufacturers and users. The participants were specialists from national research and development institutes, universities, and representatives of companies in the field, and the absolute novelty at Hervex 2024 was represented by the session "Ingenium: The Challenge of the Future", intended for students, master and doctoral students in the field of Fluid Power.
Key point visit of the NASA delegation at INOE 2000EN: On October 18th, the Remote Sensing department of our institute welcomed a delegation of distinguished visitors from NASA, The US Embassy and ROSA. The visit provided an excellent opportunity for our guests to explore the institute’s cutting-edge laboratories and learn about our ongoing research efforts. Throughout the tour, the delegates engaged in insightful discussions with our researchers, exchanging perspectives on advances in aerosol measurements and environmental monitoring technologies. These conversations opened avenues for potential collaborations and deepened our mutual understanding of our fields' challenges and innovations. The visit was a rewarding experience for all involved, and we look forward to building upon the valuable connections made.
ERIHS Call to Action – Flooded Brazilian Cultural HeritageIn April-May 2024, Brazil, particularly its state Rio Grande do Sul, was severely impacted by floods. Socio-economic and environmental damages have been reported by the Brazilian government and by major international initiatives including World Meteorological Organization (WMO). E-RIHS joins the sentiments expressed by the international community in expressing solidarity with the local populations impacted by these extreme events exacerbated by climate change. In this context, E-RIHS issues a call to action to gather competencies to join efforts with our ANTECIPA colleagues in addressing damages to cultural heritage through knowledge transfer and sharing of best practices. E-RIHS stakeholders willing to share their expertise to safeguard cultural heritage in those affected areas within the state Rio Grande du Sul (Brazil), are invited to contact E-RIHS Central Hub (Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.) to have additional information about the needed assistance required by our Brazilian colleagues. INOE is the co-ordinator of the Romanian hub.