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Construcții tradiționale
Proiectul Sectorial "Metode si tehnici inovative pentru evaluarea interventiilor de conservare-restaurare si urmarirea constructiilor traditionale"
Sistem complex, integrat pentru optimizarea tehnologica si valorificarea superioara a subproduselor vitivinicole
Establishing a High Level Proficiency NUcleus in the Field of Increasing Reneweable Energy Conversion Efficiency and Energy Independence by using combined resources
Campanie in desfasurare pentru pregatirea activitatilor de calibrare/validare EARTHcareEN: From 18 May to 31 May 2024 ESA’s Mobile Raman Lidar (EMORAL) operated by the University of Warsaw (UW) team, led by Iwona Stachlewska is measuring at INOE/MARS the Măgurele Center for Atmosphere and Radiation Studies in Romania as part of preparation for EARTHcare cal/val activities. More details at: https://tinyurl.com/547d8a6b The EARTHcare is going to be launched in the next hours. Live broadcast will be available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlFSRfoblR0 Click here for more details.
LACONA XIVWe are honored to host The XIVth edition of the LAsers in CONservation of Artworks - LACONA, between 09-12 September 2025, in Bucharest. Abstract submissions are now OPEN! Oral and poster presentations are expected on the following TOPICS: Morphological, mechanical, and thermal diagnostics Compositional diagnostics Deterioration phenomena Conservation-restoration technologies & methods Integrated approaches and best practices in photonic conservation-restoration Novel photonic techniques or processes of interest in diagnostics or conservation-restoration Website: lacona14.eu Facebook: @LACONA.INOE
ACTRIS-ERIC visit to the Center for Aerosol Remote Sensing (CARS) led by INOEEN Eija Juurola (Interim ACTRIS General Director), Paolo Laj (ACTRIS scientific chair) and Niku Kivekas (senior Officer Operations) from the Head Office ACTRIS visited INOE, more precisely MARS - Magurele Centre for Atmosphere and Radiation Studies, during 22-23 of February 2024. The meeting was hosted by Doina Nicolae CARS leader, along with Livio Belegante Head of the INOE CARS unit. Other CARS leaders from several countries were present: Ina Mattis (DWD, Germany), Alexander Geiss (LMU, Germany), Lucia Mona (CNR, Italy), Nikolaos Siomos (LMU, Germany), Aldo Amodeo (CNR, Italy). Philippe Golub (University of Lille, France), Carlos Toledano (University of Valladolid, Spain), Africa Barreto (AEMET, Spain), Stelios Kazadzis (PMODWRC, Switzerland) and other members of the CARS team have participated online.